Smartphone Camera advanced tuning support

Test to improve and maximize user satisfaction

Our team of experts works closely with your engineering staff to optimize device’s performance in all relevant use cases, maximizing your camera capabilities to reach the best possible user experience. Through an iterative process in multiple rounds of testing, we test, we identify shortfalls and areas of improvement, helping you to finetune and boost the quality of your product to grant user satisfaction. This is usually run on prototype devices, allowing for continuous refinement before final release.

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Key Highlights

  • One or multiple rounds of testing / cycles, addressing the exhaustive list of measurements related to the DXOMARK Camera protocol as well as your specific image quality targets or targeted use cases
  • Thousands of objective and perceptual measurements available at each round helping you to deep dive into your product performance
  • A full debrief from DXOMARK experts with your engineering team to identify strong points, bottlenecks and issues to improve in further rounds