Selecting the right components plays an important role in the ultimate performance of a camera modu...
The AZ software offers a full library of image quality evaluation metrics, from standard ones to advanced...
The AZ software offers a full library of image quality evaluation metrics, from standard ones to advanced...
This transmissive chart consists of a square pattern positioned on a uniform light table. You can use thi...
Containing a detailed real-life scene for performing lab-based perceptual analyses under controllable HDR...
Through the HDR16 module, Analyzer offers native support for HDR input formats as well as analysis tools ...
This chart is composed of seven large grey patches designed specifically for measuring visual noise for v...
Autofocus testing requires defocusing multiple times during each photo session, which can be tedious and ...
A versatile piece of equipment, the collimator is designed to be compatible with a wide range of cameras ...
The Focus Range portrait chart helps you evaluate a device’s ability to focus on faces at various dista...
A motorized platform designed to rotate realistic mannequins at controlled speeds and acceleration, simul...
This high-precision shaking platform for image stabilization testing provides repeatable motions that sim...