DXOMARK Insights

DXOMARK is happy to announce the launch of a new service!

DXOMARK Insights aims to conduct qualitative studies with Ad hoc panels to gather consumer’s insights. This study offers unique and valuable insights based on scientific metrics that provide technical guidelines for improving user satisfaction on skin tone rendering.

Based on these panels, we build databases and technical analysis that we translate into technical insights which enable manufacturers to improve the quality of their devices. Since our primary expertise lies in the evaluation of image quality, it was only natural that our first study focuses on this subject, and more specifically on skin tone rendering in photos taken with different smartphones. This new milestone focuses on technical challenges faced by manufacturers and pain points for end-users, to provide the industry with valuable assets and tools to improve their quality and therefore, raise consumer satisfaction!

Learn more about Insights during our China seminar held on the December 12th in Beijing, 14th in Shanghai, and 19th in Shenzhen